This is awesome... Its a great representaion of the Halo 2 Level. The resemblance is uncanny... Very neat and smooth. I will definitely download.....
Yea i think this is a great map... And it is a great map Like everyone said the Center Structure is Amazing .... Beatifully Forged and A Must...
I really don't what to say.... Maybe. . . Well done. It would be fun maybe for the duration of 5 mins then i would be Straight back into MM....
Teats This Map is the Teats... Im lovin' it...M No seriously its brilliant, fantastic and the dogs bolarks all wrapped up in a Kinder Egg....
"Clean" And "Tidy" This is awesome man.... I am unable to download it but it looks Great.. The way it works for all GameTypes shows tahts you...
Nice Map Dude...Eternity. Isss NICE. Pimp that Profile lol
Pwm This is REAL nice man... I rarely comment on maps but this one I had too... ISsss NICE I cant get my head around how you got that Fence...
I havent played on it yet but the maps looks awesome from the screen shots... Very open in the middle/Outside which might take it down a notch.....
Nice one. . . you took my suggestions now the map will be alot more player able. Well done Keep on Forging
Oh yea sorry... Dude, Take bungies maps for example there shotguns and snipers are set to long respawn time like 3 mins to give game balance....
Dude, give him a chance hes probably just accidently posted it... everyone does it. I hate when people go "the next comment will be posted as...
Final Thoughts ****! I just wrote this massive review and when i tried to post FH had signed me out and it took me ages...i cant do it again but...
Looks great... Im gonna download have a ForgeThrough and come back to you with my final thoughts
Final Thoughts Hi there, So yeah I had a quick ForgeThrough and I've got to say this is a Stunningly Beautiful Map. Its amazing in so many...
Nice, looks awesome, I will download and have a ForgeThrough and come back with my final thoughts. . . Additionally, is it only set up for...
. . . Brilliant. . . your first post ay? its awesome along with the map. err I'm only going by pictures but I'm gonna download then get back to...
Dude looks amazing and original... ill definitely download. well done man brilliant idea! Eager
Yea dude the switch is a bit hard. but it gives you the advantage of higher ground, If you download it... your realize how to use it and stuff....
Dude this map looks awesome, must have taken some time...well done. What you said about it being a rollercoaster put me off but...ill give it a...
-Jive Turkey is a little over the line my man... -look were all here and we all heard what he said and were in agreement Cornelius said...