WOW!!! I find forging on any map other than foundry imposible, but you took some containers and worked a forging miracles. The merging is great...
I like the idea and it is clean cut. It's not a completely original idea but it is a new interpretation of the idea and looks like it promises...
I think it is awsome for your first map!!! The gamelay looks fun and the merging is preety good. You also managed to make the suspended...
I like the map and i give it 5/5. Alothough you should flip the bridges to make a smoother surface. Just a suggestion. Besides that l love the map...
Thanks for the concern. but if you enter the center of the eye you can simply jump on the dumpsters to get out. Also, your right, Odin is a...
Reminds me of the legend of zelda...... cool idea
I myself could never use this(too lazy) But i love the idea and see how this could help alot of people. i give it a 4/5 because you need to do...
The Interlocking you did on the map is flawless and the map idea is very origanal. I rate the map a 4.5/5. I think you should make a way out of...
Yeah but I put teleporters on the other side so people can get back in.
Odins Eye [IMG] Enter the eye of a Norse God!!! In this large, semi-open battlefield, one structure reigns supreme... Odins Eye. The...
I understand your consern about the interlocking. I guesse from what you can see, it does not look interlocked. But all the doubleboxes that make...
Thanks Danger. I will consider your idea in the V2.
APD You have a life sentence to hell... if you last that long! APD is an abandoned prison where a worldwide zombie infestation has finally...