hotfix is on its way in a few hours O.o Vicious, I'd love to play sometime.
The lag is never really a problem I find. I've been on UK and RU servers with like 200+ ping and not have a single bit of lag surprisingly. And...
That six updater is ****, quite honestly. I can't navigate anything through that launcher. And apparently a few really good servers I play on...
I HAVE IT. I got it like 3 weeks ago, and i've pretty much been playing non-stop. I play on US5 and I usually and under the handle: Aulox
Lol omg, it's really not a hard concept. You wanna try and knock the other team off the edge or into another zone. if you cross a line(either in...
Fishing poles do knock back. not alot, but enough considering you cna spam it so much. it also pulls people slightly.
Im going to explain this as if you know how Pro Bending works normally. Earth Bender: uses shovel -> digs up snow -> throws snowball. Fire...
SO I know I said this on the server a week or so ago. But there WILL be a pro-bending tournament on the Miningbros server soon. I need to get the...
No...Sandbox was the secret...There is nothing else to it.
LOL, noooo dude, srry. That was over when we realized it was Sandbox.
Im leaving various clues around 3 sites I go to regularly(FH, SGP and XF) that you should be able to find in my recent posts/conversations. You...
Funny, you and I stopped being active here around the same time. Now I've just been stalking Forgehub and a few OTHER. Forging Forums for the past...
Hey *****. Wassup? I haz a suprise for all the forging communities. But it won't be ready for a WHILE.
NO! Dun beh a Slowpoke. Be super sexy leik meh.
lol, no.
tool? and yes I am.
Happy early birthday! Since I wont be around on your actual bday. lol.
Sure sure, You know me. O wait lol. Naw but srsly I wont. (BTW chick I like is Brittany on my freinds list, the only one. go ahead and check...