First off; nobody believes, has ever believed, or will ever believe in the Easter Bunny. As for Santa and the Tooth Fairy: they're a way to excite...
I'm sorry, but I feel that this post is full of unsupported false logic and non sequiturs. As far as the economy is concerned; yes it would be a...
I tend to define animal cruelty as the unnecessary infliction on pain on an animal, either for pleasure or because one is terrible with other...
There seems to be a pandemic of paintball maps. To the OP, in order to create a successful paintball map at this point you'd need to create one...
I really don't see why so many people oppose the dentist. Don't you just love that clean feeling in your teeth afterwards? The sucking is a tad...
I don't believe that there is such a thing as "artificial" intelligence. The way AI is supposed to function is: "If X happens, respond with...
I love the pose and I love the screenshots. Good job.
I really like the idea of a pyramid at the center of the map. You could get away with a lot more with some interlocking though. The only question...
You clarified that it's 1v1 and 2v2, but it still looks really small. I like the fence walls for floors, but the stairs look funny. I can has moar...
The idea is nice, but even I could do better merging than that--and that's saying something. Just take your time and pump out a v2. No need to rush.
You'll find support weapons at ground level, mostly to help clear it out. That includes dual missile pods and a flame thrower. I did this simply...
First Published Map! This is a map that I created upon the discovery of a random icy slit above the camo room in Cold Storage. The entire map is...
Sorry if this is considered off topic, but it simply must be said. SPOC, your avatar is amazing.