wow if the world was ganna end in 2012 dont you think we wont have order in the world it would be complete chaos and why would it be complete...
this map looks like it could be very fun however the single box on the bases is a tad bit crooked it could change gameplay a lil better if you...
i wanted it to be wide open so u couldnt hide in a corner however i will make a v2
yo man my forsaken map dl it there is changes to it i wasnt able to take new pictures because my halo wasnt working but the br was changed in the...
Okay dude it is out go look
No dude go look it is in the mlg section
wow nice map this map kicks all my maps in the ass well i like your idea though the pillars remind me of onslaught but all in all awesome map
Yo dude go post a reply on my forsaken map that was why i couldnt help go look at it
MLG Forsaken the map I promised that would be done!and it is, I am now presenting it to forgehub the map that took me like 5 days okay well in...
Yo man i love amp it is so much better than ons this map i never get spawn killed unlike ons i think this map is good has lots of geomerging i luv...
I knew i said MLG Forsaken was about to be realesed but somthing occured i posted it on bungie forums and now its not registering and not letting...
my new map mlg forsaken is about to be relased
go on halo
hey dude i only have 102 posty for you information next time read b4 u write things okay
Wow Someone post a reply already!!!!!!!!!
lol. damm lil kids
im just doin this for peoples opions and the fact that every body on my friendslist send me mesages about fin recon everyday
Looks very intresting alot of big small and medium sized pillars i see. 4/5 a lil sloppy in some areas just clean the whole thing up a lil kk...
Kool man thanks
Which battle Rifle do you guys like more i like the halo 2 one because i was able to bxr quadshot doubleshot excessive shot it was so fun ur team...