Ya i realize it doesn't do much but i just wanted to put it out there. - The only thing it might be of help is if you want to interlock a floating...
I believe I have found a new method of interlocking, it is not very effective and i see no reason as to why it would be better than the old...
you would have to make so you cant pik up weapons or else he victor of a batlle would pik up wat they killed,,an invisible guy with a hammer would...
thats hilarious actually
a little bit ago some one posted a guide on how to make all ur boxes on avalanche the same color, you should add that
pallet parade by cosmick rick
just to add on... i don't think its such an issue that he copied it but look at this report...It has nothing to do with forge what so ever. It...
Not only is this extremely unhelpful for forge but is a direct copy of some else's research in which you had no part of assessing. You even copied...
if only some one with a name such as devinish made a coherent well though out tutorial on this mater...if only...
if that is possible then some one should check if that works with single crates since they have a top u can knock off
outskirts has so much mroe posiblities...chamber room is fun to look at it buts its kinda empty.
kayamans thread...?
dude i was joking
i feel like your a bit lackin details...mabey some explanitory diagrams would be of help ot the readers...i mean honestly it looks like you jsut...
this concept could also be applied to the area of snowbound were the turrets get you...although theres a good chance that u can make it back in...
i Like the detailed description and the way you took time to make sure every last piece of scenery was strait and tidy....featured for sure 11/10
weapon ideas make it more of a fun trap imagine a map with a trap like that but with a sword on a weapon holder right on it....thats exactly...
well put...
i think basically he wants a good quality map made not on dlc maps and use no modern forge techniques such as interlocking. I think its not a bad...
Umm...thats no jewish star. a jewish star is an triangles layed over an upside down triangle. Thats the devil star, made out of lazers.