Remakes are amazing! Especially this one. Every base and walkway is to proportion and the middle is unique compared to the original. The only...
Wow, phenomonal interlocking! You will have a lot of fun with Sandbox because it is basically all interlocking. Back to your map I would give it a...
You've done an outsanding job on the tower opposite the sniper spawn, it looks very smooth. And i do think that adding a banshee to the gameplay...
Please don't take this as spam it is just a question: Is there any known way to geo-merge on Sandbox, or did Bungie eliminate it now.
I think you need to play MLG in MM. You have some weapon/equiptment not allowed in MLG. 3.5/5
I'll DL for the balls of fire LOL
I hated pinball before this!
The God of Racetracks has done it again!
Looks way too easy to get out of...
OMG SOO creepy I was listening to Tom Sawyer when I clicked on this map! AMAZING SONG AND MAP!
Yeah, shotty and shields don't mix so well... but other than that...sweet map
Omg That Is So Cool!
this map makes me fee like I'm in Indiana Jones, the Lost Ark!
could use some interlocking on certain spots. but other than that...8.5/10