the double box is inside the single box.
If you saw no interlocking then what do you call the single box interlocked with the double box at a 45 degree angle and the fence wall inside the...
Well, if you actually downloaded and played my map you would see that I used a fair degree of interlocking and I floated a bunch of objects as...
I'm not very good.... :( Took me a long time to get everything to fit together.
Hey Forgehub, this is my very first map! I spent fair chunk of time on this, making sure it was balanced and reasonably cool looking and fun to...
not going to lie to ya, this looks sick.
This looks completely awesome. I cannot wait to try it. 5/5 and my DL. Keep on forging, you awesome forger you.
This is very original and the rocket lawn chair stair is a cool idea. I'll 5/5 it and give it a DL
Excellent geomerging and for a second post this is good. Not that i'm one to pass judgement, still being a newbie, but this looks like you at...
Yeah, and learn how to type. Just makes you seem more professional.
This looks really cool and the interlocking looks nice and smooth, even with the smallish pictures. That pit of death thing looks kind of stupid...
If the walls were interlocked a little better and if the rows were more straight this could just about be perfect. Still, this is a sick map....
That looks real slick. Real slick - like a slip n' slide. I'll give it a DL, I love teleporter maps.
Yeah, for an MLG map this is alright. That earlier post was right about the trucks, and those powerups have to either be interlocked with the...
This map just really doesn't have enough stuff in it. There's way to much open space and it doesn't look like a whole lot of thought was put into...
cool stuff. the wire barrel jump is pretty ingenious, it's a nice element. I'll give this a DL.
This looks cool, the interlocks are nice, but you should've turned your bridges upside down, it's just smoother that way. But still, this looks...
This. Is. Sick.
I like it, even without interlocking this looks pretty good. 4/5 and a DL from me.
This looks flawless. Everything looks perfect. I'll give a 5/5 and a DL