I can't find them... How do you spawn color filters? Or are they just not spawnable on Foundry and I'm just retarded?
Gamertag: I Pavidus I Age: 20 Mic: Yar Availability: Variable. If I don't work, I can get on at any time, if I'm working a day shift, after...
Looks very similar to uhh.. Damn... can't remember the map. It was originally in Halo 1, and Bungie remade it along with a remake of Hang Em High...
I'm currently in Forge right now, and I can't edit a double box I made. It's not grabbable, it's not edittable, the cursor doesn't even turn...
Doesn't work properly. No matter how tight I squeeze those nodes next to the double box, once I use the doors to merge it into the wall, it...
How do you securly merg something such as a doublebox, into a wall, straight and even? Also, how do you do that for a ceiling? And by...