he didint get hit by a hammer you retard. It was a bomb from Grifball. an EXPLOSION NOT A GRAV HAMMER.
Put more pics up for those people that wanted overviews and such.and also if anyone can tell me if they have any problems at all. Thank you very much.
Pretty Good map. i give it a 5/5, Good Remake of it.Even though you can Crouch Jump Through the Shield Door and Window Panels And hide, Its pretty...
Prophecy V2 Created by Tech485 Supported Gametypes: Slayer(TEAM),CTF,KOTH,Oddball Map Description I made a V2 of prophecy. Took out the Plasma...
Yeah ill add more pictures later. Right now i'm playing Team Snipers Anyone wanna play?
Ill make a V2 and take out the sword and the mauler. ill add something like more carbines or more BR's Possibly even more Grenades.
Prophecy Created by Tech485 Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, Slayer. Oddball,King of the hill,Capture the Flag Map Description Almost of an MLG...
Grifball explosion of mine.. You can find it in my only thread. [IMG]
i was playing grifball then went to see what was going down. i saw this and so i had to do something with it. so i came here. [IMG]
Nice map.
This map is awesome