I likes it, but you should really have done all the gametypes before you posted on forgehub. Seems kinda lame to say "if you want to play bomb go...
I like it. The only bad thing is where the tank tracks and ground meet -it looks a little off. maybe its the shadow or something. Good job.
I'm having some trouble getting the sunset right, I'll probably have it down by tomorrow though. Do you want it to look realistic or exaggerated?
I think the needler is great, I would have made it a stronger contrast as a cool feature. I think you should have mixed the font with something...
I like the idea, but it would be a bit hard to get it to look smooth. I still might try it though.
but my mirror shot mayk me look lyk a coohl percon Matte painting is a cool idea. thnx
*ARTWORKS ADDED AFTER ORIGINAL POST K. This is how I'm gunna do this. I'm applying for DMAC college soon and I need a portfolio. Unfortunately, I...
<3333 ill4everown Looks like you can become famous from remaking a map 10,000 times. And showing me every single one. Between minor and major...
What a stupid post. "From what I see..." Try to actually download the map, then 'see'. Why is the Halloween trailer spamming? It's his thread, he...
Ground Level Linear objective type map. Best with territories.
Sorry, I don't think that this thread is gunna go so great for you. I doubt that many people will really like this. And also: Don't post stupid...
That sucks. I've never heard of that site before or of this Switch being used. It should really be more noticeable :/
Regenerators, like Power Drains, do not have any effect on shields through walls. For this application, though, it doesn't matter if there are...
You sure thats a real site? The link is broken I think.
Yes, surprisingly, only the Regenerator has worked thus far, but we will definitely be keeping an eye out for new effects that equipment has.
RM Switch Created by blanman and ill4everown R.M. Stands for Regenerator+Mancannon. ill4everown and I were Forging, when we discovered a new fact...
Yea, template maps. I've made a few myself. I made the Domed Street Template
I didn't say that all maps should be indoors, it's just that a lot of crappy forgers try to make indoors and the maps just don't work. I have...
I've actually made a paintball map before. It has all the features you mentioned, but, the deadbox is kind of lame. A lot of people didn't know...
Very helpful, a lot of the guys that make the competitive maps are really good at Forge, but they could be great. Hope they read this.