Thank You Makisupa, I was looking for a pic of Tundra and couldn't find it but I had a film clip of the V1 (This is not V2 it's just an edit of...
Tundra wasn't even used in this map NO Changes from tundra....I admit the bases look similar but not the base from tundra.....It's completely...
Tundra Inspired me and no It wasn't edited from Tundra the bases aren't even the same take a look at tundra one more time, I still have the vid in...
Click---> Hollow Carnage Hollow Carnage But anyway First off,I'll like to thank UnheardCarnage,Legend Jedicsc,Agent Quack for all the Tidbits of...
o ok....thx i guess
Why do you want me to look over them???
my post or my map,and I don't hold grudges,but I seriously think the staff here needs to be less strict and get a girl to hang around, and meeting...
Even though he DID kill them not over a video game....but he had staph infection so that would've had something to do with it....and It can affect...
Yes this should have been a V2 but I forgot I replaced the BruteShot with....I forgot but Now there is only 1 ghost on each one.Oh and yes I know...
uhhh...what is it????
Thx you I will take this into Consideration.....
Hello Forgehub, I am sorry for the disruption the other week but During my 3-day ban I decided to go over a couple things in my map........
I have a life unlike the people on this site....what are thier 1000 members that's sad because I don't jack off to Star Whores and don't get off...
Sorry to bust your bubble or anything I like your way of seeing things but Bungie doesn't choose their faves anymore....And no I don't suck at...
o lol sorry I was thinking about my fight of my map thread....Kromasome.....
what did who say 3 months ago I don't understand please quote the comment in the message......
I thought Chow was spelt Ciow but w/e I was think about sum ideas how about instead of using stairs for the stairs upstairs and downstairs we use...
What Gave you that Idea...I'm trying to get banned from this site please I give a call to the mods to ban me.......and I'm not rejecting the...
I have to E.T the game for NES and it's in Mexico barried somewhere in the dessert if you want one......look on youtube for E.T the
you have to play with 16 people to work.......and 8 people start with slow attributes and then like you said they spawn custom,and maybe even...