I'm trying to make a CTF map in Ravine, but after putting down spawns, flag capture points and flag stands, and every other objective available in...
I'm a big fan of long, detailed, and entertaining map posts, and this one had me cracking up quite a bit. I definitely plan on downloading it, and...
Played it with a few friends, and we all absolutely love it. Tense, exciting, and surprisingly fun for both sides. Whatever your next map is, it...
How many people are on defense? (outfielders, people on base, etc.) Does the runner always have to try and run all the bases, or can he stay on a...
The map looks amazing, but I'm a little confused about how it's played. When can the pitcher stick the runner? What positions are there?...
Overall, it seems like a version of Lava Pit meant for more players. However, the thing that I loved the most about Lava Pit was the fact that it...
1. We already know what it's like to be a marine. Halo: ODST did a pretty good job of that. 2. You're right in that your map does seem rough, but...
This looks awesome, but I'm not too sure about the the idea of the Humans not being able to fill up on gas until they're empty. I'm not sure about...
The vid is good enough to be a standalone machinima. The story is amazing. The gameplay looks balanced, with it leaning towards the humans near...
Wait, do the attackers spawn on the ship? Playing Assault where the only way to the plant point was in a Banshee would kinda suck... But then...
The map is awesome. This has to be one of the most detailed and well thought-out clan meeting maps I have ever seen. One problem: link to gametype...
I was wondering why everybody had such clean geomerging all of a sudden... Amazing find, man. Revolutionary feature, now I can finally bring my...
Saw this on GOS forges. Couldn't find a link, so this is it.
I started trying to make my own map with 4 drop pods. However, I can't even get 1 to work. No matter what I do, no matter how close I put the...
Very cool! Starting to make something like this now. But I do have one question: You said that it doesn't work if you place it between the middle...
This is an interesting map. The fact that people take about 2-3 hammer hits to kill kinda makes it a little dull, and actually getting the bomb to...
Finally, it's up. This has to be one of the most entertaining infection maps I've played in a long time. Glad to see it up, I recommend this game...
I would really like to play The City. Just send me an invite when you're on.
Something, I didn't expect a carbon copy. I was just hoping for The City to capture to feel of Township. I guess I just need to try it out...
Alright, I've dl'ed it and looked at it in forge, and I have mixed feelings about it. The concept of Township is the same: The plots of buildings,...