Dude that is the best POA bridge I have ever seen. You are offically my hero. To bad you cant make a entire POA With infinite items and money....
The map looks really nice, but from the pics I thought that it was a little open. Im going to dl the map because all my maps that I made suck....
Dude nice map. looks great and death barrier thing looks beast. I am so going to download the map. Great map 4/5 Keep on Forging OR DIE!
Nice map it looks beastly. So i am definatly going to dl it. 5/5 Keep on forging!
nice map i really like it. im going to dl it. pretty nice merging looks like a 5/5
The map looks great the first pic looked a little sloppy but other than that it looked really nice. i'm going to download it. and i'd say a 4/5
This is really good for your first map. I like the bridges put together it looks cool. It looks great for slayer so i'll download it. i'd say...
I like this map it looks awesome for FFA but not as much for team slayer. But i am definatley going to download it. It looks like a 4/5
I think the interlocking was a little sloppy, but it is pretty good for a first map. You need to add more to the map to make it more exciting....
Cool map I really liked the windmill and nice interlocking. I would say that it's a 4/5 Keep up the good work.