Yo, i got introube with some no life administraters on here and they banned me from posting new maps. Very sad face because i had kool kids club...
But the name is soooooo original. Plus, Who would actually put the three k's together. Geese man, give me a break...
very sloppy, next time, please use more and better interlocking. the basic design looks good, but the layout is not so good... i hope im making...
It looked at first a little, um, just it didn't looj very interesting. But after looking at all the pics, it looks great! I hope this gets featured!
This map's merging is phanominal! Lol i don't think i spelled that right. Oh well. Anyways, i can definitely see this as a featured map. Good job!
I really like the interlocking. Every thing looks perfect. This map is probably great for slayer.
Wow cool merging and interlocking...
Good idea.
I think its amazing that you have time to keep track of all the stuff i do on here...
amazing! that half pipe must have taken forever!!!
This map seems blah...
epic fail, i only use forge hub to advertise my maps... they mean nothing more...
boring epic fail
done too many times epic fail
man throw some pics and better interlocking on this bi#ch!!!! 2/5 epic fail
dam guys you better be throwing some downloads on this bi#ch!!!
I like the idea of a story to go with the map. Very cool...
Wow you are hot! lol at least i hope this is a chick...