Figure 8 maps seem to be on the rise, but they all have them overlap at different levels. This is the first one I've seen that makes them collide....
Amp was my first MLG match. And I'm not sure what version exactly--probably v4-- but, I was stunned with the aesthetics, the geo-merging (Mostly...
The time put into this map shows with how neat everything is. The interlocking is perfect, and the geo-merging is flawless.... 5/5. I will...
I never said interlocking wasn't useful. I said it was a technique, not a standard.
Well, without wasting too many items to make new cells, I thought I'd use the cells everyone knows. Oh yea, please don't say "needz moar...
Download Map Variant Here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Gametype Here : Community : Forum...
Very, very good map. As soon as I finished the pictures I downloaded and started up my 360 right away. (Not to mention the map choice was an...
This map sounds like its a blast to play on. I was always fond of the splinter cell series(franchise?). Especially Pandora Tomorrow, this map...
uh... Hi.
Fantastic map! Looking forward to downloading it soon.
The human base looks fine, maybe little interlocking adjustments here and there, but in my opinion the rest of the map needs work. As said above...
Friendly fire is off. So, no worries about betrayal!
Planet X [IMG]
Heh. The first tunneling map I played on had power weapons for the lucky surviving humans that made it to the end, sometimes it was impossible to...
Looks nice so far, even for just one picture :P
Thanks for the downloads so far guys, I really appreciate it.
The rocket looks amazing! The hard work you put into it, shows.
This sounds awesome! I might test it out with a group of my friends when I can.
Alright, I made the pictures bigger. Hopefully they're big enough. For some reason my computer wanted to fight today.... I won.... after like an...
That mountain looks fantastic! It must of taken you hours! Job well done.