Didn't ensemble die? Like the company is done and they passed Halo Wars down to another company?
that's cute. at first i was to lazy to do math, but then i realized what it was
I like your style, cartoon/vector/semi-detailed. There really isn't much to CnC on, you already know what needs fixing if you want to fix it. I...
Very cool, there isn't much to say. For me doodles and sketches are a (look, observe, and think) thing. If you wanted actual CnC. I'm sure more...
I actually enjoy notebook paper art more than sketchbook art, mostly because lined paper is usually in front of you and when that artsy moment...
Post some of your pics.
What are achievements?
Where did you get a thousand spartans? 150 were chosen, but was cut in half to 75. Only 35 made it through augmentation.
Yeah, I was just saying in Reach Buck and Dare would be a Johnson like character maybe. But yeah Mendez, pretty awesome.
If Reach is anything like the book, and with the outline of characters of the Reach image. I think you get to play as other spartans and Buck and...
Battle.Net goes all the way back to Blizzard and their online gaming for Warcraft and Starcraft.
Are you talking about the audio/video logs?
are you not allowed to play coop to get this achievement?
Wow, it's like GTA with a little bit of Crackdown and then spiced with only online gameplay. I don't think I'd get it, it looks really hectic.
I would like to ride a bicycle and they should put RVs in and ATVs.
I am getting.
Come one guys, it's Sergeant Forge. Jeez. Nice drums...oooh shiny. The texts you got on the elite and recon guy is eye shattering.
Well the green top is based on the guy in the video. I'm guessing. You should make the whole body, if you have the time that is or feel like it.
I think they'll be a Halo movie, just not anytime soon. There is no reason for Hollywood to pass on such a money earning movie that I'm sure will...
You could get someone to buy it here and mail it to you for some dollars.