game specific option? not quite sure, but im throwing it out there
do you gotta pay the toll? the troll toll?
haha yea, ive just created a crappy puzzle map (simple puzzles) with the implied intent is to "Blow up" this ray gun satellite thing, and when you...
you could try Invasion, Invasion adds lots and lots of new features to Puzzle maps, such as Flag Escorting, Gating and Spawning...
if u can make rocks follow normal physics do what Evrito said, and then set the Run Time Min to the same as the Run Max, so once 1 rock despawns,...
u can always press b on an object (for future references) and click Delete All of These and it coulda fixed ur problem from the start!
lost 2 6hrs+ maps due to this glitch so now i save new maps multiple times after lots of progress
My buddy is working on a stockpile map, rather simple design. He managed to get flags to spawn, but only 50% of them spawn where he wants them to...
so ur talkin about making forge in SDK Hammer Editor? I like it
omg thank you so much guys! u just made me so happy
I kno it is possible to create weapons, vehicles and mancannons during a certain phase, but can you do it with walls/blocks? Im nearly finished...
i would like to kno if there is any way to change the weapons dropped from the ordinance
nope, i coulda swore i could set them to phased and fixed at one point, but i cant with a falcon, i tried alot of stuff, came here for some new...
i actually thought of that too, but i didnt like the feel of the delayed "crash"
I actually like that elevation idea, doesnt sound too bad but yea ive tried all kinds of clipping such as placing a rock on the same spot as the...
Anyone have any idea on a good way to make a vehicle stationary with the Ability to drive vehicles on? Im making a survival/puzzle map and i want...
I spend multiple hours setting up a map, twice now, and SAVE IT! Then as i test out the spawns and such to make sure the map works well when...
lol ok srs time i posted that while playing a matchmaking game, heat of the moment idea but anyways, when u are reading data pad entries theres...
do it, i have a feeling something is there
i figured it out after starting Forge on a Spire Inv Slayer, found out an Invasion Slayer map requires Hill Markers labeled Inv_slayer_res These...