You may have a good map but i would plat this map rather than eclipes any time.. also dont acuse someone of steeling an idea and then say they did...
This really is one of the best maps ive seen as far as aesthetics go.. the interlocking and gometry merging is great but i just wonder how the...
holy shi# it did im so frickin happy
This maps interlocking and geo-merging is perfect. I love all the huge structures made of boxes they are very unique. You have a 5/5 and a...
yea its a second for me. it was made by someone else for this uh joke.. so its not really mine. im guessing no one cares.
Hey you stoll my map!!! Just playin wit ya.
well i got to go play some live... later.. might send you a message
well thats not what he said.. uh oh some bodys a liar.. why would you do that ivory
no i didnt it is not my map so i really have no clue how to describe what i did
it probably would have... thanks for telling ivory to punish me via internet :)
oh and it had no dls at all.
this idiot is me.. dang ivory you got rid of that fast... the funny thing is out of all the negative comments 80 percent of the people voted...
no i took those myself.. thats why there horrible. but i did think about it.
OMG!! this was one of the hardest courses i have ever attempted. Just the first obstacle took my five trys. Impecable.