Look great very clean. Nice layout i'll download and rate.
I really think this is awsome it really screams Forgehub material. 5/5
Dude I know you didn't take this map I have coolants pelican and it's nowere near as cool looking as yours.
You've got some great ideas because this purple bunker idea is awsome I mean it was really intense when I played it. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give...
Yes scarfaced both your maps are perfect you're a true forging master. (Bowing down)
Hey this is a good map keep doing what you do and someday who knows what you'll do
I think it's really cool I mean these giant people maps are really awsome.
It's deffinitly not the greatest map ever but you did good 3/5
It's one of the greatest maps i've ever really seen I got to give you props. The coolest stuff in the map is everything.
Is it playable on any gametypes? Cause it would probely be a good assalt based map.
I like the idea ware people base their maps on the halo seiries it reminds me of the great forgers out there.
I think it's a really great map and i've seen some of the best of the best.[IMG]