I tried a clan (EGA). Turned out it was EGgay. Only b/c of these weekly meetings where they talked about nothing. i would join, but i wouldnt be...
What ever happened to Doom? Doom? Whats that?
i got the maps when they released, and was amazed mostly by the freedom provided by foundry. i made so many maps i had to delete some of my others...
This was a triumph I'm making a note here HUGE SUCCESS It's hard to overstate my satisfaction Aperture Science we do what we must because we can...
On the release date i think halo and cod4 both had equal hype, but its the extra features that will keep halo alive years longer that cod. I...
I play as a spartan, and once in a while/never and elite. I think that "someone" shoud have gave the elites a special unlockable like the katana.
Another great map! i play this al the time with my buds and it is one of the best "non slayer" maps ive seen in a while. keep it up