hey, wats up? check out my maps on my file share (if any r on it at the moment (its a crapshoot)) by searchin "J ROCK x7"... k...
dude, stop saying "no pics no clics" its really annoying ive seen u post it 30 times! just dont download it... u dont have to tell the world; no1...
very nice... this looks like a map for sniper-BRs, or sniper-[sumthings]
this is what i think...
i dont care what u say stop complaining about how the map is not correctly posted, get over it, this is one of the most complicated best thought...
great map, love the play by play. good video, it shows all aspects of the map, 5/5
r those custom power ups purple and orange? teach me chosen 1
a must dl to all... i dont even like infection but its a classic!
nice map, not mlg though, still sweet i recommend it to all
my brain... kappow! ill dl 4 sure
looks somewhat similar to the mlg onslaught, especially the ramp on th side... nice work
my eyes went sideways, my brain xploded... but the maps still completely insane
what does the event staff do?
decent map, but i think u overdid it a little on the fusion coils.
try: the closet the locker container closure boxed in the bunker
wait, im confused, are all the maps 800 microsoft pts each, or do u get them all for 800 pts