I will no longer be using this account
thanx for the sig(s)
In the second picture those simple Warning barricades won't keep people back.Or is it supposed to be like that?O.o Other than that, nice map.This...
Cool sig.Can I see what it looks like with numbers?
*Bloop Bloop Bloop*(Ignore list) Oh yeah :haha: :lol: Lollerskates
I haz awesome profile
Changing Veal's Name To Slaughtered Baby Cow Should they change veal's name to slaughtered baby cow? How could you really eat a poor,...
How did u get tm in ur name
Looks like a figureine photoshoped
Insane clown posse
It had a grey bar
um I see you gave me rep was it good or bad?
Thanks for avatar.
So here is what you do to make working pictures.Take pics of you map in-game.Then go to Bungie.net and go to find a player.Type in your name and...
Rep for u rep rep rep
re albyhouse What?
I see your avatar can you make me one that say "Forge Geek" and has a picture of like glasses in the background
Your Pictures Aren't working I will edit this post when you fix them
Hey there.I'm Magekid211. I like your sigs :] Can you make me one?
Sorry what if I delete old post and repost the previous with the new?