Yay another Template contest! These contests are tight. This Template looks interesting, but I have no clue what I'm going to do with it... I...
Oh yeah, I'm in the bottom-right of the group picture with my epic katana, sniper rifle, and beam rifle! =D
You know you are a noob in Halo 3 if you miss all 4 shots in a single sniper rifle round.
I'm pretty sure you can't he said you cannot block off any part of the template and blocking off the ghost would be part of the template...
Yes Interlocking is important!!! It makes the map make so much better and it makes more posibilities!
Here's my map I've been working on for the past 2 days... I still have a lot to go though :squirrel_wink: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Wow there are way to many of these threads... Anyway I hope that Sandbox is another forge-based map (I think it is) ;)
YAYAYAYAYAYAY I hope that means that maybe... THE MYTHIC MAP PACK COMES OUT ON the 25th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D =D =D =D =D
This looks like a very good map unfortunately my Xbox is broke and my download queue is full but I'll think about downloading later (If I remember) =D
Gameplay- Call of Duty 4 Campaign- Call of Duty 4 Everything Else- Halo 3 I'd say my overall favorite game is Halo 3, but I think CoD4 should be...
Far Cry 2: Looks like it could be better than Halo or CoD4, no joke. The map editor will be beast, the AI will be awesome, and the gameplay looks...
You... Are... God! This map is the most aesthetically beautiful map I have ever seen. You are my forging hero and forever will be. The...
I would post a pic... But my Xbox has the RROD and I cant take a pic =,( anyway looks like a nice map can't wait to download!
OMG if you dont pick this one you SUCK!!! THIS IS THE GREATEST SIG EVER!!! <3 <3 <3 I wish it didnt have the text there though =D <3
Hey thanks guys if you want to see more more of my Racetracks check Exotic Bank V2 in my sig or check out my Fileshare! My gamertag is Exotic...
Sweet pic and effect I'm definitely going to try this... My Xbox has the RROD =,( but my friend is bringing his Xbox over to play and I'll try it...
1. The Pit 2. Guardian 3. High Ground 4. Last Resort 5. Blackout 6. Coagulation 7. Valhalla 8. Foundation 9. Standoff 10. Ivory Tower I like Halo...
Kool and I'm going to ceep koming up with some beast ideas and khoose my bestest one =)
Those were pretty funny but I like #1 more =)
How bout you give some of those ideas to me =) no just kidding but I have no clue if you can post more