Ill be happy to join you, I have very precise fingers so I can do each trick 100% of the time. I skateboard in real life too. What I think looks...
i thought of gogochriso when I was about 10 years old playing runescape. I thought it was cool back then. So I got my Xbox and sat there for about...
Woo I just completed this puzzle, I like how you have to get up each level to get a checkpoint. 10/10
First puzzle you just have to crouch jump through the top right corner of the doorway, the next is self explanitory.
Yeah you need to jump on the small ledge near the pipes, then jump up to the left onto the box, turn around and jump to the top of the left pipe,...
Wow this map is really clean, ive just had ago and I like the way the puzzles get harder as you progress. I play buddhacranes maps and im stuck...
Wow this must have took ages. I always get lost inside it.
How do you work the sliding door?
Wow youve took the idea of Duck Hunt, added in mongooses and its completely different!
This looks like a good map I like stuff where youve got to backtrack =)
Thanks a lot this will help me.
Wow this map looks cool, love the lift! Definate dl.
No I made my map myself.
Yeah i rushed the ending.
Yeah once i learn more complex puzzles ill add them into a new map. But my friend is good at solving puzzles and it took him a while.
Wow that puts my bowling alley down to shame lol. Ill DL
Now the the links are on the forums can i remove the map from my fileshare?
Legend Ok this is my second puzzle map and it is alot better than the first! Ive took notice and made a map with only one turret through wall...
Wow youve definately got my dl. 5/5
I havent tried fully yet, I havent been back on Halo since I knew how.