There's not alot from the pictures but it looks good! I like the walkway thing in the middle.
You can't see much from the pictures, could you please get some more? Nice use of the team's colors =).
Congratulations, an amazing map! man I love it when people put good maps on the forums, some times it takes ages, you've left the others behind!...
This is a pretty good map, 4/5 for the interlocking =)
This is an awesome map, but some of the interlocking looks a little sloppy. I you fix that up it would look better than it is. (trust me thats a...
It's a good map but perhaps it should be bigger. these types of maps always leave me on the edge of my seat!
This is good for a first time merging and interlocking but i think it's kind of open, perhaps more structures?
The interlocking and geomerging everywhere on this map is so clean, it's like going into a white room, without sunglasses.
Man this is an awesome map, the floating, the interlocking, you could inspire thousands!
I have seen so many halo ce remakes, but by far i think this is the best. 5/5. just for the ladder room how do you get up?
dude, u need to fix up the pic, we can't see it.
The pics aren't working 4 me =(. Sounds cool though.
Woah, this is a cool map, I like the use of the hallways lol.
It's a great map but perhaps you could but some interlocking into it. I can't see any.
I like mazes but this could have more rooms, but other than that it is really good! 5/5
It's nice but maybe the ramp in the middle could have some interlocking.
Its pretty good for no interlocking or geomerging, but to make it better you should probably do some of that stuff. If you need help just pm me.
Nice racetrack, I like the curved floor and pallet bridge. Must have taken you ages.
Nice clean interlocking and geomerging.
They all are good maps, just kind of open, there aren't alot of structures and some of the pics aren't working.