**** it didnt work
<iframe frameborder="0" src="http://photosynth.net/embed.aspx?cid=d706c71e-476f-47b9-91b4-ef86fede92f1&delayLoad=true&slideShowPlaying=false"...
who(y) the **** are you playing runescape, IE i dont have runescape
pro pipes instead of concussion rifles, its so beast, dmrs for the brs, i was also assuming that mlg pistol/dmr starts
[hal-uh-klahyn] Hello, this is a 2-base, functionally symmetrical designed map. In reach me and seth hope to debut with this MLG designed map....
^2nd that also i cant imagine spawns being great, since it looks like theres only 2 spawn areas
im pretty sure that 5) is a strut, because it looks like it is associated with the railings, and decorative
I can just use the coliseum , it will fit, but was to lazy to make a Accurate representation of it, I am pretty sure that it will go under...
[IMG] [IMG] Symmetrical three base concept for FFA, and multi team, Doubles. The bases will be made in the corners. lift bottom mid.
YouTube - Halo Reach Panel at Comic-Con 2010 - Part 2‎ ALL blocks cost 10 $ not just the small ones, 10:28, also the Building blocks have...
If you look closely at the GT video on asylum, you can see some items that were not in that picture, like an object similar to a stone column....
Now that Friday has gone and past, when can anyone expect the components?
"Banshees, fast and low" was in sierra 117 in H3
Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : Forge City with Headlong: A challenge to Bungie check this idea out, that would be boss if bungie did this
That definitely looks right, I guess I have to apologize, for some reason it just makes more sense to me, and was hoping for it to be that way,...
1. im not the only one that thinks they're off scale, many of the people i've been talking to think the scaling is completely off. 2. I have my...
OK the bottom to post ok, the outsides of them ok, are the distance of the a block large, 40', you have it so the diagonal on the top is 40' away....
sandbox wall half..... bungie wouldn't make it like that, im almost entirely sure. [IMG] Proof
if you look at the pic its 2x2 then it sticks out, its like a wall half.
[IMG] The distance between the posts is 34' and it should be 40'