The Vera one has to be my absolute favorite. Followed closely by Sgt. Reynolds motivating the outgunned troops to fight through the valley. Now...
FFA:5/5 I downloaded the map and got a four person FFA was epic. Its very well balanced for the FFA, there's enough spawn rotation...
And just a tip with your class thing...don't make it based on spawns. Let people choose their class, at the very least. Also, to avoid camping...
On imageshack, you need to specify a new size...somewhere up in the thousand side of the scale would be better.
Any description?
For the fountain, you can use the save a quit glitch to float shield doors and make it look like there is actually water in the bottom. Just be...
This could be a very nice April Fool's Day prank. Set it up so you spawn facing a partway open disk tray, but no way to get there, then have...
Wow...please accept my FR and invite me if you're ever looking to get a game going. I hope you don't mind about the req, but I'll forget...
[IMG] I really don't want to make a bigger'll understand if you spend more than a minute looking the the enlarged version. First...
For the missing piece: 1: Enter Forge mode 2: Start new round 3: Wait near where the missing piece is supposed to be. (Approx 3 mins, may vary in...
Actually, since an indestructible turret is the only real advantage, just design a gametype to go with your map that makes it so vehicles are...
Okay, here's what you need to do: 1. Go to 2. Log in 3. Click on the tab that says Halo 3 in the top right corner of your screen. 4....
Well, if you want to have a more foolproof way to avoid cheaters (people who pick up the other teams' weapons) have all people spawn in an...
And I'm not even a Trek fan. DL'd
Grunt, there are screen posting guides everywhere. Go read the second reply for how to do it on imageshack. It isn't the responsibility of the...
Take a look at your links. You forgot to close the first tag somewhere, so its all one big hyperlink right now.
Grunt, here's a few more tips: -:-Please don't post your map for the sake of posting. Wait until you have your new screenshots. -:-Please upload...
I've never gotten the turning and release trick to work. To compensate, I spawn a holder in an open area, wait for it to settle, then place a...
Re: Ambush Well, I appreciate that you at least put the screens in the browser viewer instead of just a link that opens fax viewer. Map Tips:...
Chin guns. They're used in the books (see The Flood) Just another thought I had: Did you make little pods out of the troop bay where one could...