Give me a old school unseen 13 Marauder and i'll praise you, the mechs look good but they really don't have the old school feel for me. They look...
I need help can anyone think of a way to stay alive at level 4 with a 9 Legion Assassin Squad attacking and all the way of support you got is...
I'm having a hell of a time anywhere in any of my games both daimond AND redstone. heck i can't even find lava. nothing but rock and dirt.
Damnned creepers never catch you any slack.
I figured as much, The weekends are always hard on the site, just never gotten those errors before. usually just a connection time out. Meh just...
Anyone getting either a 504 or a 502 error? because I cannot connect to the minecraft site let alone the game.
is it wrong to want to download this map simply because the techno remix of EoG? not to mention the nifty ability using puzzle makes for high...
Hopefully 5, looking for any long term server, as most I play have a bad tendency to disapear or shut down at in opurtune moments.
Okay is there or is there not a forge hub server anymore? Either classic or alpha? because while I am getting the hang of singleplayer I would...
Damn this is what my original Corvette was, but the aesthetics are SO much better, the covie ship actually looks like a covie ship, not some...
If you redirect a few mancannons to different locations and put two or more of the falcons to the same respawn time the random direction launches...
Thanks. You gave a few ideas as well, and a lot of minor (and sometimes annoying) little touches come from Aphotic. In halo 3 I had a map I...
had another weird error and it posted my thread unfinnished with some sort of cookie error reasoning. fixed up with more pictures, and finnished...
The CRV-3 Or Corvette Mark III was based on my original and somewhat successful invasion named simply Corvette. version one was a craptacular...
I planned.... and then only made one map i planned. I've made almost 30 without a plan or a rough idea. I prefer letting my imagination go and not...
You bring up a very good point, it IS a bit open in the 'courtyard' area, and on the straight aways. thanks for bringing that to my attention and...
Stone Fort is an up comming infection/Slayer map I made using the smallest available map area in forge world, I wanted to see if I could make...
Trust me I had the same thought, I had to be wrong, but then i saw it again a week later. if I ever have the thought in my head and see it again...
Well whatever there is in a peaceful difficulty game that looks like a person, stays just on the edge of your fog and makes odd ominous kind of...
is there a forge hub minecraft server still? Because while I like playing single player, it's getting redundant and I am tired of the weird no eye...