Ugh, I'll miss Halo 2, lot's of good memories of staying up late with friends. It's a shame it has to go but I haven't played online in a while...
Oh well in that case I completly agree with you, when you can't even make 5 steps forward without beinmg spawn camped at with a Br it's no fun.
I honesty flintched about what you said about the "no shields infinite amo" I can understand that on some maps this is true, but I accualy really...
Okay so it was working fine for a while, then suddenly it died on me again and now I can't even get the homepage...
Yup, It just came back for me too! sweet.
Yup same here man, I get the timeout thing too.. I've tried it on three computers, when did this start? Also, does anyone else feel like they have...
Beat me to it, this map looks flawless, I like where that shotty spawns. Really great map considering that it's done on Cold Storage. 4.5/5
Looks amazing, incredably clean map.
Looks great, really nice interlocking. And I donno why but I really like the star/teleporter thing you made, great location callsign.
I've seen you around a lot on forge hub even though I just joined today ;) I like classic rock but I'm heavy into House and Euro beats. Nice to...
Hello, I'm alienboy117, I just joined forge hub and so far am liking what I see. I live in N.B Canada, way out in the sticks. I got sick of...
Hey, I just joined forge hub and this was exactly what I needed! Thanks!