This map is amazing looking! Not only have you created a wicked looking spider on Blackout of all places, you manged to make the map playable and...
Wow, Dr. Chombie. You're pretty awesome saying how you're going to "beat the ****" out of Speed e Cake. Keep up the good work! (Sarcasm...
I always love me a good racetrack. This one is no exception. I love how not all the racetrack is an even surface, and there are a few drop-offs...
I got it from the LOL/IM IN UR/LOLCAT thread in the offtopic forum.
After seing some of your maps (Mass Driver, Loft, ect.) I have now become a new fan of yours. This map has it all. Aesthetics, gameplay, and you...
Hokay, I dont like doing this, but you seem like a good kid. In order for this not to get locked by the mods all you need to do is imbed the pics....
*AVATAR ANTICS!* (I changed my avatar)
It's your choice. I personally like the idea of making my own sigs (I've done so before), so go ahead.
Looks awesome.
An epic map, and I'm amazed at how well it blends together. Oh, and congrats on premium.
Beautiful, a non DLC map on Last Resort that actually has class. The only problem with this that I see it lack of cover, but the aesthetics of it...
I'm sorry, but this is not what I'd expect from an aesthetic map. I realise that you are a novice forger due to lack of advance forging...
The wierd thing is that is will run for about 5 minutes, and then shut down.
I don't know. It just failed, no real reason.
I... Haz... RROD!!!:omg::omg::omg::omg::omg::omg:
You know, I was a little confused as what that thing was I first saw it, but then I realized it was the old covenant dropship! I never knew it's...
Woah! Look at all the haters on both sides! Personally, I support Lower The Guns. One, because I like good quality machinima and two, because my...
Oh, hai sundden... suddern... Suvdern... hai!
Hey cheezbob, I think someone is stealing your map. posible stolen map
Cheezbob made the TITAN. Poor him. This was bound to happen to such a great map.