Whoo hoo auto alerts
Automatic alerts are nice right?
Hello everyone, I am a fairly old-ish member from times where forge hub was smaller (although still not that small), some of you may even remember...
December 14th, 2010 - I dont get it Wut
WUT flr
Good god its you
Never mind then.....
Sigh.... people still go for post counts around here? Some things never change... Well i like what you were going for, the generic "middle...
Lol, got there before i did ;p
Actually thats just from overuse of the controller, your joystick gets really sticky, making it stay where you were just leaning it, happened to...
thanks if u have any maps send them in!
Sorry bout that, i fixed it COUGHbumpedCOUGH it
VIDEO HAS BEEN EDITED AND FIXED (was that a bump? im so naughty)
OMG u got mentioned on the page in the front congratulations are in the order
Shameful advertising http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/95780-last-man-standing-ep-3-township-somethingggg.html#post1137327
Horrah it is finished, after two days of capturing and editing followed by a 2 day war with youtube's copyright rules we have the video up and...
wh...why woul-.... WHAT? what kind of adivce is that? if youve watched it or saw anything that ive written about what i want to do you would...
could you move this to the appropriate section? i dont think it goes here since it does not actually contain a video, i just didnt know where else...
Although LMS dun get much attention here due to the limited number of members that care, and or know about it, im still posting this for help. im...
Lolz they made me roemove it on Xforgery, but i was fine with it. nothing has been said to me here