It's always been like that. All objects always appear in the first round.
Molybdenum... No 'O' in the middle... Other than that though, the map seems to be good. It may be a bit small though, but as a FFA map it ought...
I think a lot of the problems come from the fact that it's too open, as others have said, and that it's a bit too big. It worked in campaign when...
Make sure you haven't hit the content limit. They won't load if you're over it.
Silver accounts don't have file shares.
Closest thing to a pre-destroyed vehicle would be to blow it up at the start of the map, which the easiest way would be to use Fusion Coils...
I don't know about the first, but for the second, change the game type to slayer... There isn't any way to stop you from turning into a zombie...
Once you're past the barrier you need the mongoose to get through go towards the edges of the metallic parts at the edge of the map, not moving...