You got a new rank. Nice. Don't really care, but good for you. We all need something to aspire to. Personally, it's Chaos, but that's another...
Thing is.,.. That's not me. When I'm online and playing Batgammon, my MOm is the one who is playing.
Check my moto. Can you figure out what it mans? If not, let me tell you. I don't play backgammon. Stop the invites when my profile is on Backgammon.
You get warned alot... Have you noticed that?
Sup? Frog blast the vent core! [IMG]
... [...] ...No. I do not have a Fat kid mp. They are rather annoying for the Zombie..
Well..... Six weeks? Six weeks.... Sucks man.... I'm sorry.
Try a Nentendo DS. THose things Kick ass..
Sorry about that. I'm fixing it right now. Update: OK! I have fixed my problem pictures. I do hope it is good now?
Castle Zombie A map by Pull my Fingerr [img] My pride and joy (aside from LoaP), this map, if not interlocked and amateur, is an exiting and...
I personally believe that when a person injurs an animal with mal-intent, he should not be alowd to adopt, or have any sort of right, to own a pet...
wow. this is very original, so i give it a point. It is possible for ether team to win, so another point. The level seems to be well welded, but...
i signed up, and support this cause full heartedly. i won't be on Xbox live at ALL on that day. plus, lowering your guns makes it easier in RPs...
wrong sub-forum, i think. not my kind of map either.
i told you the cake was a lie..... any who, i STILL have yet to get 'nuff space in my hard drive to get it. maybe i should get a memory card.....
THE CAKE IS A LIE n00b!!!!!
or attack of the hobos (or retards, if your so inclined). like in WC3
the cake is a lie.
you got my DL.