Hello I have a question. When i downloaded the sandbox money glitched map i tried to use the lighting setting ball named old timey (excuse me i...
nice map some good structers and inter locking but there is some parts were it looks like people could grenade jump out of the map. 4/5 anyways
i like the originality but what happens if the tremor flips his vehicle cant a mouse just take it because he has the ability to get in vehicles...
good job my favorite part is probably the pool 4/5
really love the map pack good job putting it together
there is alot of geomerging and interlocking here very good job 5/5
really fun kind of like cops and robbbers on COD4 if any1 has played that before? were the gaurds tell the robbers what to do and if they dont do...
This is a really cool non foundry map i love the towers and interlocking 9/10
yea i played a gametype like this it wasnt so fun with a little bit of people but is was ok with a party of like 10 because it is way easy to die...
looks cool nice originality 5/5 might be a little hard tho
Looks amazing. Very good interlocking and geometry. My favorite part is the bridge support beams. 5/5
The tree house kinda reminds me of the ewok fort things in star wars. Looks fun il dl.
wow nice map. musta been really frustrating making this map lol. i say 4.5/5
Nice interlocking and the castle thing looks cool u got my dl
cool map. it was a good idea to use the outside of the map as a base 4/5 good first map too
looks cool very nice work
Maybe ill gets some laughs outta this map with my friends u got my dl. like the win touch at the end lol.
it looks like a good ffa map or small 2v2 map, maybe you could make some kind of game type for ffa?
looks cool nice interlocking stairs i say 3/5 aswell
THis map looks really Sweet u have got my dl