pssh go find someone else to pick on lmao
lol thanks! my biggest critic!
I think the third one is awesome!!!! it's captures simplicity! joe your still the bomb!
love them!! Joe your the bomb lolol! add me?
Here's Yet anathor one![IMG] Please follow my Three step program! Step 1. Rate Step. 2 Comment Step 3. Enjoy
Here's another one![IMG] Rate. Comment. Enjoy!
hey guys here's a new one! Enjoy![IMG] Please Rate Comment and Enjoy
Just a screenshot a threw together i admit not my best just wanted to see how you people like or disliked it.[IMG] And just for good measure! A...
number one is sweet 4.5
very nice although the second the sparten losing his shield sorta ruins it for me... 3.5/5
Nice great job with the first and third one! one question tho. did you use my guide for the first one?
Very nice! great job capturing the pure awesomeness of the scenery of halo maps 9/10
thanks guys lol
Hey guys! i know its been a long time since i've last posted anything, been gone and stuff. Well heres one of my latest. enjoy! [IMG]
defiance is pretty cool how you do it?
Pretty sweet man
Thanks, and i wanted it to cut off
Some Screenshot Awesomefullness Rate.Comment.Enjoy Reborn [IMG] Freedom [IMG] Mystify [IMG] Hell's Ride [IMG] Darkness [IMG] Heaven's Moniter...
Hellooooo Forgehub! It's been awhile since if posted[been off live for awhile and haven't bothered to take pictures] So here's one of my latest....
Very nice indeed. one question? is this takin with fx's on and outside orbital?