Thanks I guess. But "honestly" could you put a little thought into your feedback.
Thanks the game types seem to be less popular for some reason. I'm glad you at least enjoyed them.
Da Hitman: Thanks for the positive rating. It dose have a small amount of open space in the center to encourge long range BR battles on the ground...
Popes: Alot of people have got a simmilar impression from the pics. But almost all have had there impressions changed by playing it. There is one...
Download Downfall 2.1 Layout: I tryed to make the layout as original as possible. An almost castle like shape.There is an attacking base and a...
I did not flip the boxes in the center wall because I felt it by doing so it added a little to the feel of the map. I honestly did not think it...
Plays well but is not specific to MLG.
Downfall v2 Layout: For the layout I've cut out the back rooms making the shape of the map simmilar to ons. I've placed a tower in the four...
lol I have already posted a response to the openness of the maps layout. As for box flipping. it may be a possibility for v8. At the moment I am...
I do have interlocking. The map was not originally designed with interlocking, But I have updated it to interlock where nessary, as well as where...
Once agian sorry :P I've just recently learned how to upload pics on to the fourm, so alot of them havent been showing up. I think i got all of...
All better Its fixed, I think I understand the ruels sorry about that. Let me know if you notice anything else.
Sorry. I'm just figuring out how to embed as we speak. the thread will be fixed within a few short minutes
Layout: For the layout I've put in two bases with multiple entrances into each. both base has a catwalk leading to a smaller "purple tower". There...