hahaha i like how u made hand me my porn in orange letter nd nice map but its just a little bigger thn a real armored truck, just a little lol u...
where do vu get them hot pics i want sum plox
actually im pretty sure someone only made this type of map onstandoff not avalanche if im not mistaken but i realy like these types of games so u...
ya sure i no all tht basic stuff
i could help u with that nd u seem familiar, do u no clancyboy7?
omg i friggin hate these types of maps plus theres soooo many of em out there so theres really NO need to make more, seriously 0/5 come up with ur...
holy sh*t!!! this is amazing! i could never forge sumthin like this i mean it could be featured. and the post is definetly NOT a lazy post!...
well 1st of all ur supposed to embed pics off of photobucket or imageshack nd theyre supposed to be bigger. second off, u need to click on this...
pretty good but i dont like how u just made the boundaries look too decorative i men u could just place double boxes and stuff down, it doesnt...
how do u opperate turret upside down? :[
1 thing that i think is funny about the home page recommended sites it tht bungie.net isnt even on it...
dude this is soooo f ing genius i was trying to think of something like this nd u beat me to it after i gave up :/ but if u dont mind, can i use...
im about to dl skate park 2 cuz i got my xbox bak :]
duuuude y u warned? :[ nd wuts tht girls myspace?
so u say i made a good map and u downloaded yet, u never did download
hey do u no y they removed sig color?
Cant wait til trick of legend arrives!!
Basketball By: widestoned fo0tl0ngFaNaT1c Ok so some of you may have heard of that sport, Basketball... and if you havent then i suggest you get...