holy crap your gorgues
this map is bomb digity and i love it to death. i would marry it if it was llegal. best map i hav ever made
i liek how you really stocked up on weapons in the storage room were you put all the weps on the shelfs and stuff. thats realy important weapons
swimthug just told it as it is. so try the map out and see if you like it.
my nigga
omg watching that video was incredible. i really like how u sped the process up. btw that is a great map. keep making more
what do u think i should do
that is nasty
i tried making an ascension remake and it was terrible. but you just showed mine up good job
looks ill sweet train
looks amazin cant wait to play in that tunnel
this is good the truck is cool.
what games are good for this?
looks good
there is a link its an off white/ grey and its on the first page
now please comment?
those are the pics of the map
dosnt look that great
idk how to add pictures.i have them but idk how to add them?