Thanks for the compliments on the interlocking guys! I worked hard on it.
N3XU5 V2 by: Phoenix Phire13, with help from dEmEntEdINfAnt Hello, it's Phoenix Phire, here to show off my third map of the week, N3XU5, one of...
1. I think you're right, I'll test the barriers today, and make sure they're not excapeable. 2. Yeah, I'll be making a V2, so expect more...
Yeah, I'll probably make a v2 with more interlocking and no shield doors. Thanks for all the feed back guys!
I'm sorry there isn't much interlocking, some of my maps don't have it. I'll try to make more maps with interlocking. -Oh yeah, thanks for...
There are 4 Barriers, acting like collumns, on each corner of the map. It's just for decoration.
FOR3RUNN3R By: Phoenix Phire13 Hello again, I'm Phoenix Phire13, and I'm here to show another of my maps. This map, FOR3RUNN3R, is my...
Wow, nice. There's some good fusing and geography in this map. A good TS map for a small party. Who knew such a small, peacefull creek could have...
It's good I guess. Though I think some parts are way too sloppy. 3/5.
This is cool. I like the whole sky-walk idea, I can imagine how fun it would be fighting above foundry. 5/5.
Nice, looks like a good MLG for sure. I like the half-pipe. Though I expect more fusing on a MLG map. 4/5.
This is a great map! Very creative. I rarely get to see Ghost town forges! It's nice to see one for a change. 4.5/5 (9/10).
I like this map. It looks original, and has some variety. Good fusing. Looks like it would be fun for some good old fashion FFA brawlin!
Now that the pics are up, I'll comment. The map looks flawed, there seems to be only one base. I don't know where the weapons are either. You...
You also have to link to a forum topic on featuring your map, or the topic will be locked.
They are embed now.
Got ya, I'll embed the pics. It'll take a few minutes. Updated.
STORAG3 By: Phoenix Phire13 and dEmEntEdINfAnt Hello, my name is Phoenix Phire13, and I am new at ForgeHub. I've been forging for awhile so I hope...