Congrats! I love both Ire and Intero!
This loks sweete man How did u do that fh sighn
Looks really good nice merging with the mp nice ships and other stuff 2 looks like fun
Good map lockout ws beast ididnt lik warlock much thow grete job nice map
Can I lick ur balls too? Halo is good COD4 is bad End of story
A big tank tht coud carry th hole team in TS or RBTB That wood be sweet
dam looks lik a greate map Evry thing looks tite my fav part is the putting stuff in the ground very nic job on that dling rigte now
Looks like a fun racetrac cool interlocks dling now good job looks nice
This could mke h3 relly fun but that many playlists? That is hard to believe
This looks like a fun map. Needs mre piz though ill dl
I have never seen another map like it 5/5
How do u sine up 4 tgif looks like fun what ma did u get rampage on
Nice map! I love the Spaceship i dl and is a prettycool mp. Great gmplay and vid tooo How did u make it so you couldnt see the screen on the vid
Does look a bit rendom a little empty in far corners to.
Nice interlocking i love the top midle tower
1 of the best and only rat's nest maps avalable. Good work!
I'm pretty sure you use a turret.
wow out of all the maps I've seen on forgehub (wich is not many) this is probably my fav. Love the rocket! This map looks amazing nice vid by...
Looks like a nice compact fun map! I will dl and rate the map later.
Doesn't look like much of a remake to me...