Lol great find. The video is so true thought.
You're blue on too many sites.
Looks sweet, I'll try it out.
I like it very cool. Nice color choices for the text.
The game and map look sick. Can't wait to try it out.
Are you who I think you are?
I honestly can't stand battle field games. I don't know how people find them fun.
It looks like some kinda weird bird.
Nice job. Another good place to find lots of high resolution halo pictures including ranks is highresolutionhalo. [there server is down right now,...
everyone keeps telling me i have your avatar -_- just thought i let you know i didn't steal it. i use this avatar [IMG] every where but it's too...
The only thing that looks cool is the chatting with multiple people other than that it seems kinda meh.
That's screen is pretty lame.
Hi Rene :D
Hello welcome to the hub.
The French man you say, hmmm are you sure not the son of the Rabi.
Hey Tommy.
What of it.
Hi .