That guy didnt think it was, what a loser. >.>
Still the cause ;) Did you read the OP?
Dunno but I know some members who have been banned because of overreaction Heres one
You're disgusting. Xp
Woah thats good. Can you make me one pls? :)
Eww I am not Kayaman.
I dunno, it says hes still banned.
way to go tex
frag you dont want that trust me you know what its like to be loyal for a long time and have ppl spit at you?
So did you get Skype for your iPhone?
Lol I <3 u
No you were EAG all along, ever since her acc was created you sick son of a b :)
you didnt expect these reactions after planning something this big? tsk tsk.,
Now you know how I felt about Loyal xD Oh sh- I just gave it away.
o my word thats horrifying
desperate tex is desperate?
Oh look a third thread of the same name Yey
Ye but that Star of Knights guy and I think Mikey are serious; well at least they seem to be.
im sorry :(