My bad i ment to hit edit not quote...
How do I make a VIP spawn in a certain area?
Hey guys, Whats a way get an inspiration for a map. I usually get an inspiration from friends or Halo 2 but I dont any more so I wa wondering,...
oh yeah I just noticed that. thanks a lot :happy:
Whats an easy (or hard) way to turn a box 45 degrees?
Is there any way at all to make it so you can't die when assassinated?
i'm making a juggernaut map and I was wondering if the juggernaut was an attacker or defender?
i'm talking about the crate, barriers, and barrels. It says that there are 2 barriers, 2 barrels, and a crate placed on taht map and I see them...
no. i'm talking about the crate, barriers, and barrels. It says that there are 2 barriers, 2 barrels, and a crate placed on taht map and I see...
How can I delete the objects outside of the Pit? i'm talking about the crate, barriers, and barrels. It says that there are 2 barriers, 2 barrels,...
o ok thanks
Is it possible to make a turret appear only after another one is destroyed? And I don't want it to spawn in 180 seconds. I need it to only spawn...
How do you merge a double box into the wall?
Thanks, but I looked at the interlocking tutorial and I figured it out. I appreciate the offer though :]
How do you make arches out of double boxs?