awsome how you made that im gonna try and make a draw bridge with pallets tho but ill download this to see how you did it.
hey ian are you gay?
the walls dont look that well placed and alot of people make these kind of cops and robers maps. nice story thing
it looks easy is there any rong areas so if you mess up you have to kill your self?
looks fun and the boundry looks good but any 1 could make this map.
It looks fun better then most sandtrap maps ive seen so ill download it.
looks fun for team slayer but in the middle it looks like you just took random things and put them together.
looks very nice and very hard ill download and see if i can win at it.
looks fun ill download.
race track good
awsome map 10/10
its bin done alot but that looks realy good
can i youse this map for a movie im trying to make
are you sure you made this map because im think you didnt. when did you make it?
it looks realy fun dl
nice map i like the elite head.
ian nice map now thry making a town!
did you get the idea from half life raven home?