This map looks pretty sick. I need to get a few people to try out a game on this to really test it out.
Okay, I'll be on tomorrow and send you a message. I already have some spawns/weapons I just have no idea if they are good or not.
I'm not sure if this is the correct forum so please tell me otherwise. After taking a few month break from Halo I decided to finish one of my old...
If I'm not mistaken, I remember reading they they were going to include flashlights in Halo Reach.
I did a quick run through of this map and aesthetically it was very nice. Although I did not play a game on it, the map is small. It seems as...
Very nice map. I rarely download competitive map unless there is something really unique about them. I'm going to download and give it a play...
I'll help test it if you ever get that far.
Now that I think about it, I may just leave this map for the "Pirates" gametype and work on an extremely detailed asethetic pirate ship. Or I...
I've updated the ship by adding in wooden sails. I'm still looking for more suggestions.
So basically use my remaining budget to increase the size of the island?
I'll try that.
Adding another base to the left or right with catwalks to connect it to the pre-existing base would be nice.
There is already a bottom floor inside of the ship with two wall slits that are able to be shot out of. There is also a horizontal wall on the...
The Cover looks pretty random which I like. From your pictures it seems as though you need to expand on the overall base though. Maybe add a...
Looking over some of my old, unfinished maps I came (lulz) across this map. It goes back to April of 2009 where I had created this map but never...
Very nice asethetics, the piano, pool table, and fireplace are all awesome. Like other people have said, the outside is the only downside of...
Basically what Crypto said, I like your human resources idea but wondering how the infected would spawn, teleporters? I'm working on another map...
This looks tight. I'm really liking the new skywalks. Any idea when you will be done?
Looks pretty nice from what I can see. I think I see the hole you are talking about but that doesn't look like a problem. Is it possible to...
Doesn't have to have corner, but the map takes place on a city street corner. I'm looking more for something urban sounding though.