Good map I think its a cool idea but the thing is I don't like the barrels so ill give it a 7/10
This is a super fun map and love the use of the turret and teleporters.
i have to give this to my noob freind
are u the guy who made halo gladiator
this is an awsome map i played it
looks good to me.
i was looking for this
I say more ifecion on good player made maps
how can u tell if it happens or not
looks great ill check it out
is it good
it looks fun but not enough to draw my atention sry
it looks weird yet cool
what the heck is this
think of all of your freinds playing on that awsome new map then you are satisfied
the comrads bar is haxor i just tried it its super fun
this looks like a good map for infection and im gonna find out