[IMG] New Desktop with Geektool by ~xBWCx on deviantART
Ah, such a bad habit. I used to be all about 'Apply Image' but once you break it, it helps save so much time in the long run.
Dig it. The textures look sweet! Only suggestion would be maybe to use a different brush in the brain strokes. All the other paths have cool...
My friend got his pilots license a while ago and I finally had a chance to go flying with him. Took a lot of pictures but here are some cool ones...
The depth of field looks great, just a couple spots are too sharp like on the topmost part on the thumb and right finger on the bottom. The...
mmk, thanks. The writing is another image I didnt erase any of it just kinda layed it over, but I can see what you mean now. Thanks. Yeah I...
Been a real long time since I've made a sig but decided it was time to spit one out. Thoughts? [IMG]
I like your avatar...cause i made that sig ha.
[IMG] Fullsize -Just embed it silly, linking us isn't going to help ;) -KB
Sorry cant do that. ;}
The Price of Evil by ~xBWCx on deviantART Let me know whatcha think :D [IMG]
Not bad i'd say work on color and depth more. they're both way over sharpened imo.
Yeah I didn't want to bother him with a pic lol but we should have tried for a group photo at least. I got a pic with both his dogs though hah.
Your. Sarcasm. Is. Amazing. rofl