yo dude wassts u[p
awesome map dud it was alot of fun playin on it 5 out of 5
hey yo can u check out this map that me and syko have made i wanna get ur opinion
online.... srry not along
hey when are u gettin bak along... by the way im not pissed off headshots just sayin ****
are we doin 2v2
im a be on around 10 30
hey im gonna be online like around 10 30 tonight cuz i had football practice and then a doctors appointment
kool ill bee bak monday so kooooolllllll
Hey wen r u comin bak online its been like 4 ever lol
Thanks dude it took a long time to make everything perfectly straight and clean. This map is the first map that me and syko have worked on and it...
download bygone its a map me and my friend posted
202 downloads 4 bygone!!!!!!!!
Wasss up
DUde awesome map! playin on this map was so much fun and especially fun playin on oddball! Awesome map!!!!!
Yea we just thought not all all places can be covered there needs to be some space but I respect your opinion.
yo look at littlemidgets profile and send me a friend request if u like it
wats up king
whats up head shot!!!!!!!!!