I seriously have had "Collonade about 30 times already" (Quoted by an angry matchmaker) I was amazed at the amount of times i had that map...
Normally, i am not a huge fan of race maps. Primarily because they are boring, terribly put together (geo-merging, Interlocking etc.) and half of...
her we go... [IMG]
looks pretty cool. although i would try to get a full body shot next time instead of just the head/weapon. (edit) sorry u did. my bad
i got mine by having two guys ar'ing eachother and when their shields were down, the slightest amount of splash damage managed to kill them both....
I agree partially with most of you, Recon would be cool to unlock and it would certainly knock off all those "if you dl and send this to all your...
wut?? only 4 stars? the interlocking/neatness of this map is amazing! To be honest, i dont thnik there is anything this map is lacking. great job....
Hmm.. to be honest, i would have to say that at least 14 would be an appropriate age... but i guess it's up to them and what their parents think....
good suggestions, i'll make sure to consider all of them for my next ones.
yeah, not a lot going on right now, starting to bore me.......
Awesome, the pics look great, interlocking is amazing, the gameplay seems as if it would be good, there does look like there is a lot that could...
If you need help on some advanced/basic techniques on forge, try forging 101. when i started to use forgehub i found that it was extremely...
lol.. u probably shouldnt have done that.. :P i agree.. bad idea..
The second one is probs my favorite. what program did you use?
amazing. i cant believe how good the screenshots look! :D. it is a very neat map with what looks to be, some amazing gameplay. cant wait to test...
K. I'll be sure to do that as well.
I'll be sure to do that on my next post. Thanks.
ahhahahaaahahaa this is really quite a nice map. and im the first to view it *happyfayce*. on the bridge though, it looks as is some interlocking...
yeh, i have to say, this looks way better than a full avalanche speed map. a smaller area means more fun!! XD
FINE!!!! The Second one is better. lol. thanks mate. :) Here's a link to them on my file share:...